We welcome submissions related to applications already in use and/or evaluated by clinical users.
We particularly encourage authors to submit their work dealing with novel techniques and applications that are looking at combining image analysis with clinical data mining and analytics, user studies, and other heterogeneous data.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Combination of image analysis with other heterogeneous data including
- Radiography images,
- microscopy,
- photographs,
- genomics,
- proteomics,
- life style data,
- EEG,
- bio-data,
- and other
- Multimodal image integration for modeling, planning and guidance
- Strategies for patient-specific and anatomical modeling to support planning and interventions
- Clinical studies employing advanced image-guided methods
- Clinical translation and validation of image-guided systems
- Current challenges and emerging techniques in image-based procedures
- Clinical applications in open and minimally invasive procedures
Papers can be up to 10 pages long. All submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least 3 members of the program committee. Reviewing is double-blinded, i.e. authors have to prepare their manuscripts such that their identity cannot be derived from their submission. The selection of papers will be based on the significance of results, novelty, technical merit, relevance and clarity of presentation.
Papers will be presented by one of the authors at Daejeon, Republic of Korea. The final program will consist of previously unpublished and contributed papers with substantial time allocated to discussion.
Electronic paper proceedings will be arranged.